美国塔夫斯大学的Dr. David Rosmarin实验中有12例患者有效,面部效果最好,手部效果最差。美国Incyte公司马上二期实验了,顺利的话两年可以上市了! 20周复色百分之七十六,感觉还不是特效药的,不过也是喜人的 讲真,特效药的研发还得靠老外。看起来好像是必须配合日照才有效,可以理解为一种带有一定光敏成分的光敏外用软膏吗? 第一次听说有jak抑制酶外用药,感谢分享! 可以控制不继续发展吗?
中或高风险骨髓纤维化,包括原发性骨髓纤维化、真性红细胞增多性骨髓纤维化及原发性血小板增多性骨髓纤维化; 羟基脲没有充分响应或不能耐受的真性红细胞增多症。两种疾病都是不常见的疾病,但是呢,一旦患上,也是无法治愈的疾病,也是致命性疾病。鲁索替尼本是由美国Incyte研发,在美国市场鲁索替尼仍由Incyte销售,品牌名称Jakafi, 在其它市场是由诺华申请上市和销售的,品牌名称是Jakavi,鲁索替尼是也是一款靶向药,其靶点是JAK1和JAK2,JAK抑制剂主要用于筛选血液系统疾病、肿瘤、类风湿性关节炎及银屑病等治疗药物,在JAK抑制剂领域还有辉瑞公司的托法替尼( tofacitinib)走在前列,托法替尼则是治疗风湿性关节炎。
鲁索替尼价格奇高!骨髓疾病伤不起 |印度仿制鲁索替尼有售
鲁索替尼目前在美国市场的价格也是非常高,一年的费用现在是12万美元,每月的用量折合人民币是6-70000元。鲁索替尼在其它地区也有销售,但在中国市场暂时还未上市,药品在中国上市时间从目前来看都要比原产地国家慢上几年甚至5,6年。比如国内最新的肺癌靶向药克唑替尼,是美国2011年上市的。而美国在2011年之后又上市了几种新的靶向药(至于更新的AZD9291奥斯替尼在国内更没有上市时间表)。又比如 防HPV病毒(宫颈癌的主要罪魁祸首)的疫苗,Merck的产品2006年就在美国批了,GSK的2009也批了。中国在2016年才批准GSK的疫苗。GSK的疫苗较老,只能对抗2种HPV病毒。Merck在美国上市的现在已经可以对抗9种HPV病毒了。中国人要用上Merck最新的疫苗不知道要等到猴年马月。
鲁索替尼价格奇高!骨髓疾病伤不起 |印度仿制鲁索替尼有售
(印度仿制鲁索替尼-SP Labs 20mg装)
鲁索替尼在印度也有售,诺华的鲁索替尼(Jakavi)20mg/56片的销售价格大概是Rs21000,折人民币21000元左右,在今年早些时候甚至在报价的基础上还有折扣,但由于诺华对印度市场的管控,非患者很难买到Jakavi,因此市场价格还有上升。鲁索替尼在印度也有仿制药,目前是由印度SP Labs公司生产仿制鲁索替尼,拿仿制鲁索替尼20mg价格来看,其售价大概是原厂Jakavi的一半左右,并且还是60片的价格。由于鲁索替尼市场还是比较小众,虽然仿制鲁索替尼价格仅为Jakavi的一半,并且Jakavi的在印度销售价格敢只有美国市场的三分之一,但不管是鲁索替尼还是印度仿制鲁索替尼价格仍然是一款昂贵的药品。
希望药膏的价格不是那么贵!!!跟普特比差不多就好 Jak inhibitors are all the rage in dermatology, and I recently moderated a symposium at the Society for Investigative Dermatology meeting in Portland that highlighted all the skin diseases for which Jak inhibitors have been used as treatments, including vitiligo, alopecia areata, eczema, and others. I’ve written a number of blogs about using them as a treatment for vitiligo (you can read them here, here, and here), and many of you have asked for updates. So here is one that is particularly exciting, because it includes information about a clinical trial that should be starting soon. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology by Dr. David Rosmarin at Tufts University reported that a topical formulation of ruxolitinib 1.5% cream induced significant results in 12 vitiligo patients (see an example in the picture above). It was most effective on the face, and not very effective on the hands (most treatments aren’t). It’s still not clear why it worked best on the face, but we’re working on it. Incidentally Protopic, another topical medication for vitiligo, is also most effective on the face.
Based on these results, the previous positive results using oral Jak inhibitors for vitiligo, and our earlier studies predicting that these drugs would work as treatments in vitiligo, the company that makes ruxolitinib (Incyte) is initiating a Phase II clinical trial to test the topical cream in a number of vitiligo patients. This trial will be a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, which means participants are not guaranteed to get the medicine right away. But there will be multiple doses of the cream tested, so there will be an 80% chance of getting some concentration of the drug when someone is enrolled. After 26 weeks of treatment, participants who received placebo will be given some concentration of the drug to try as well. After 1 year in the trial, all participants will receive the highest concentration of the drug to use for another year.
We are still completing the paperwork for the trial and are not yet recruiting patients, but we are excited to start. I sent out a notice about these results and the trial a few weeks ago in our newsletter to those who are subscribed. If you want to be the first to hear about new clinical trials for vitiligo, including this one, sign up for the newsletter here! In it I will include contact information for all of the study sites, so you can see if there is an opportunity near where you live. So far we know that there will be sites in Worcester (our site), Boston, and Dallas, but there will be others as well. If you are interested in reading more of the details about the trial, you can find them listed here.
I believe that this trial is just the tip of the iceberg. So if you don’t qualify for this trial for some reason, there will be more to come!