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原网站的地址 英语好的自己去看 http://www.vitiligosupport.org/treatments_and_research/depigmentation.cfm
Depigmentation When therapies for repigmentation have failed and/or the vitiligo has become extensive (generally over 50% coverage), some opt for depigmentation of the remaining 'normal' pigment. Monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone, commonly called monobenzone or mono, is used to kill the remaining pigment cells, leaving the entire body fair. Like treatments for repigmentation, use of monobenzone requires patience and c**istency. The process can take up to 2 years to complete, though some are done sooner depending on the initial amount of remaining pigmentation and the strength of the medication used. This medication is only available in compounding pharmacies, and can be ordered in a 20%, 30% or 40% strength. Typically, people start with a lower percentage and work up to stronger levels as their skin adjusts to the monobenzone. Potential side effects are dry skin, itching, or a rash. Because of the possibility of these side effects, it is not recommended to use monobenzone on the face. This medication has a systemic effect, so even areas where it is not applied will still depigment. Since no pigment will be left in the skin, people who have depigmented must be very cautious about sun exposure due to the risk of burning. According to doctors, however, since the melanocytes are gone, there is very little risk of melanoma, which is a dangerous cancer of the melanocytes.
就不全部翻译了。 大概意思是说monobenzone 就是大家说的那个莫什么的药,成分就是monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone 也就是李博士说的氢醌,大概美国是需要去pharmacy订的,浓度根据医生的诊断自选,20%-40%。 皮肤干,发红,痒,接触性皮炎是副作用。 而且不建议用在脸上。。而且此药有广泛的作用,没用药的区域也可能脱色。
最重要的是,脱色以后患皮肤癌的几率会大大减小。 因为黑色素细胞melanocytes已经被杀死了。之前我也confuse,但是这个信息是跟最新研究表示一致的,比较可信。
科普一下,皮肤癌是黑色素细胞恶变增殖造成的。 一旦melanocytes被全部杀死以后,就不会得皮肤癌了,无论你怎么晒。 但是皮肤还是会被严重晒伤。 所以防晒很重要。
另外一篇 文献,比较老了,1996年的
Rapid repigmentation after depigmentation therapy: Vitiligo treated with monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone
意思是说用了氢醌的病人在几周或几年之类黑色素可能会自动再生。 特别是接受紫外线照射以后。所以文章建议所有患者在脱色以前做好心理准备。
我想这就是为什么李博士不建议大家脱色了吧。 我看了好几个脱色的病友最后都长斑和黑点,这个是文献里面提到的所以请大家不要大惊小怪。