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请一朋友给那教授又写了封信,今天回信了,感觉就是书面回复,不过至少态度不错。朋友马不停蹄早上给翻译了下,我发上来大家一起看看。 Dear vitiligo research enthusiast, Thank you for your email. We are excited about our research to understand the causes and ultimately develop curative measures for your skin disorder. Since I’ve started working on vitiligo more than 20 years ago (my thesis in 1993 was about vitiligo as well) we have gained a lot in understanding why some people develop vitiligo. In this period of time, we’ve been able to identify vitiligo as an autoimmune disease. This means that your immune system mis-identifies your own pigment cells as ‘foreign’ and starts attacking them. We have figured out that it is primarily a specific immune cell, the T cell, that is resp**ible for killing pigment cells, leaving the skin without a source of pigment. We know a lot about what it is that the T cell sees to identify its targets. There have been major attempts to identify hereditary factors in vitiligo, and the genes identified to date support our findings to show that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease. We then wanted to understand why patients develop depigmentation when they do. How does ‘stress’ ultimately translate into an autoimmune resp**e targeting melanocytes? We figured that if this resp**e is funneled through a single molecule, we can possibly block its activity and halt disease development. This is what we set out to do when we initially investigated the role of HSP70 in vitiligo. We then engineered a variant to the molecule that works like an ‘off-switch’ in our mouse models of spontaneous vitiligo. We characterized what happened to immune resp**es in treated animals, and then found that the same changes in immune activation can also be found in (treated) human skin samples. 对于我们的研究能够了解你们皮肤疾病的发生原因并最终找到治疗措施,我们感到很兴奋。20多年前我就开始了对白癜风的研究,并对为什么有些人会患白癜风获得了很多了解。近期,我们已经可以确定白癜风是一种自身免疫性疾病。这意味着你自身的免疫系统误把你自身的色素细胞识别为“异物”,并开始攻击他们。我们可以确认这主要来自于一个特定的免疫细胞-T细胞,就是它杀死了色素细胞,使得皮肤丧失了色素的来源。我们对于这种T细胞是如何来识别它的目标也已经了解了很多,业已开展了重要的研究以确认遗传因素在白癜风这一疾病上的影响。此外,到目前为止已确认的基因也支持我们的研究结果,那就是,白癜风是一种自身免疫性疾病。然后我们就想知道为什么患者的皮肤会出现脱色,“应激”最终又是如何转化成自身免疫反应而攻击黑素细胞呢?可以确定的是,假设这个免疫反应是由一个单一分子介导向单方向进行的,我们就有可能阻断它的活动并且控制疾病的发展,这也是我们开始研究热休克蛋白70在白癜风中发挥的作用的初衷。在我们的自发性白癜风小鼠模型上,我们设计了一种变异的分子蛋白,它起到一个“开关”的作用。在治疗的小鼠身上,我们总结了发生的免疫反应特点,然后,发现在人类皮肤模型上也出现同样的免疫反应。 Our recent publication in Science Translational Medicine is the culmination of many years of work, and we hope to continue our research so we will be able to bring our findings to the clinic. If everything is decided in our favor, the earliest we could start a clinical trial to determine the safety of our drug in human patients will be 2 years. In the meantime, we will acquire regulatory approvals, identify sources of support to perform the trials, and test the safety and efficacy of our product in different models. We have already applied for further funding to support this work and our Institution, Loyola, has applied for a patent to cover the technology. We certainly plan to further pursue this and other avenues to treat vitiligo. 最近发表在ScienceTranslational Medicine的文章是我们这些年研究工作的最重要的成果,并且为了能让我们的研究成果应用到临床,我们希望能继续进行。假如一切如愿,关于人类使用我们药物安全性的临床试验最早可在2年后开展。在此期间,我们需要得到监管部门的批准,确定进行临床试验的人选,并且在不同模型上检测药物的安全性和疗效。我们已经申请了更多的资金来支持这项工作,同时,我们的研究机构,Loyola,也对这项技术申请了专利。我们力当继续努力并不断寻求其他治疗白癜风的有效方法。 In the meantime, I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for your supportive comments, and some of you for the important samples you have already provided for our research to date. I hope we can count on you to help us out when we need to test our drug, look at or ask for samples of your skin, test your blood samples or fill questionnaires in the future. I am sorry that I cannot respond to each of you individually, but I will store your resp**es to address you in the future, unless you tell me otherwise. 同时,非常感谢你们的全力热心支持,你们中的有些人已经为我们的研究提供了很多实例。希望进入药品试验阶段,如若需要皮肤或血液样本,或需回答问卷,我们可以继续得到你们的支持。很抱歉,我无法一一针对个例回信给你们,但是若非你提出反对意见,之后我会留下你的地址,与你保持联络。 If you have images of your vitiligo that you are willing to share with me, I would love use such images to put together one or more slides for presentati** about our research. Don’t send me anything you are not comfortable with if I share the image(s) with colleagues or include it in publicati**, and let me know if there are parts of the image you would like us to cut to make sure you cannot be identified. And please do not feel obligated to send me an image if you do not want to. 如果你愿意提供你的BB照片,我也希望能用在我的研究成果展示中。如果我把这些照片与我的同事分享,或体现在我们的期刊中,这些行为会让你觉得不安,你也可忽略我的这个请求,或者你可在来信中指明照片的某些部分需做剪切处理。 I sincerely thank you for your time to address us about our research and hope that our paths will cross again. 再次非常感谢你的来信,希望能再有沟通! Caroline Le Poole I. Caroline Le Poole Ph.D.
Professor of Pathology,
Microbiology and Immunology
Loyola University Chicago
Oncology Institute Rm 203
2160 South First Avenue
Maywood, IL 60153
USA Tel. office 1-708-327-2032
Tel. lab 1-708-327-3138
Fax 1-708-327-3238 |