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发表于 2014-2-2 12:18:47
自身免疫疾病的根源 - 为什么治疗比你想象的容易。
作者: Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, Guest Writer
发表在: Nutrition & Healing newsletter; Vol. 8 Issue 12, February 2012.
现在在超市里,有越来越多的标着“不含面筋”的产品出现在货架上。 由于有越来越多的人患上 celiac disease (腹腔疾病),这就对“不含面筋”的食物需求比以往任何时候都要多。但是,尽管你没有“腹腔疾病”,你仍然有可能对面筋过敏,有的过敏可能连你自己也没有感觉。这是可能的。 如果你没有“腹腔疾病”引起得肠胃问题, 好多医生可能也不知道你对面筋过敏。
腹腔疾病 - 由麦胶蛋白,面筋蛋白引发的 - 几乎总是具有非常显着的肠道症状,包括腹胀,气,腹泻,腹痛,和抽筋。在医学院,我们被告知,如果没有胃肠症状腹腔疾病是罕见的不存在的。我们还被告知,如果肠道活检正常就​​意味着没有面筋过敏的。
相比之下,面筋灵敏度(和 腹腔疾病区别开来)通常没有胃肠症状。更糟糕的是,在与面筋敏感性 个体肠道活检往往正常。
最近的一项研究总结腹腔疾病和面筋敏感性之间的差异。研究人员写道:“与腹腔疾病不一样,面筋敏感性不与肠黏膜通透性增加有关,事实上,面筋过敏的人 的 [肠道通透性]较差。
然而,这两种患者有一个共同处: 免疫指标 FOXP3 都较正常人为低。
这些研究人员得出结论:“这项研究表明,这两种和面筋相关的疾病(腹腔疾病和面筋过敏),有不同的临床病例...都有面筋过敏的特点 ...没有在[肠道检测到异常】粘膜屏障。“
为什么要指出这两者之间的不一样呢?这是因为有些医生们并不知道面筋过敏有时很轻, 可能只引起小如消化道症状,所以他们甚至不找面筋作为非胃肠道症状和疾病的一个比较常见的原因,包括自身免疫性。
几十年前,在Lancet的一篇文章(抱歉,无法找到参考)指出,当时新发现一种被称为 “HLA抗原”的白细胞种类,其中有些疾病更常见于与带HLA抗原类型的人群。
多年来,我发现,这是常有的事。在Tahoma诊所,每当我们的工作接触有关任何这些诊断中,我们总是包括分泌型IgA(“sIgA的”)抗麦胶蛋白抗体检测。 (有关此测试的更多详细信息请参见2011年8月发行的营养和治疗的。)
90% sIgA抗麦胶蛋白抗体测试结果阳性的人患有上面列表中的一种疾病。随后就彻底不吃面筋和醇溶蛋白,而且往往也不吃所有的牛奶和奶制品,这些人的健康总能取得重大改进。
请记住,疾病是有家族史的。 所以,如果你的家族健康史包括任何上面列出的自体免疫问题,而你个人有症状和还没有得到确诊健康问题,你可能有未确诊的面筋过敏,并应考虑自己去做 分泌型sIgA抗麦胶蛋白抗体检测。
此外,也有常规实验室检查线索确诊麸质面筋过敏。研究和事实证明 有面筋过敏的人的肠道对营养的吸收明显减低。
大多数实验室认为空腹血清甘油三酯测定结果正常范围在50到150毫克每分升。在Tahoma诊所,我们的同事戴维斯指出,如果你又为经确诊的症状或健康问题, 如果空腹血清甘油三酯测定结果低于75毫克每分升,那么基本可以认为你对面筋过敏了。这个概率很高的。
Poor intestinal absorption is also to blame for abnormalities in two other tests commonly recommended by practitioners skilled and knowledgeable in natural medicine: the mineral analysis done with a hair specimen, and the fasting plasma essential amino acid determination. If either or both of these tests shows multiple low measurements (three or more of the essential amino acids, five or more of the essential minerals), I'll recommend testing for gluten-gliadin sensitivity. Much more often than not, the test is positive.
Of course, the ultimate proof that gluten sensitivity is the problem is the often-dramatic improvement in previously undiagnosed, chronic symptoms and health problems that always follows the total elimination of gluten-containing foods in these individuals.
Bottom line: Whether you have gastrointestinal problems or not, if you have undiagnosed symptoms or health problems – and if you have one or more of the auto-immune problems listed above in your family – you may have gluten sensitivity. The odds are even higher if your fasting serum triglycerides are below 75, and/or your fasting plasma essential amino acid or hair mineral tests show multiple lower than normal values.
The spreading epidemic of gluten sensitivity
As little as 10 years ago, gluten-free products were hard to find. Twenty years ago, it was almost impossible to find them except in health food stores. Now, it seems gluten-free products are everywhere, even in some convenience stores. Obviously, more and more people are buying gluten-free.
Gluten sensitivity isn't an infectious disease, so why does there appear to be a spreading epidemic?
Although there probably isn't a spreading epidemic of gluten sensitivity itself, there's certainly been a spreading epidemic of a research-dem**trated "trigger" for the problem.
A little-recognized reason for the seeming epidemic of gluten sensitivity can be traced directly to the use and over-use of antibiotics, all beginning in the 1940s.
Mainstream Medicine doesn't understand this at all, and would likely deny even the suggestion. Even many natural medicine practitioners overlook this problem. However, both groups do know that use and overuse of antibiotics has caused many, many Candida albicans (yeast) infecti**.
In 2003, a group of Dutch researchers reportedii that Candida albicans may stimulate the formation of antibodies to gluten as well as auto-immune antibodies against tissue transglu**inase and endomysium, other types of antibodies found in many gluten-sensitive individuals.
In 2009, another group of researchers reported a single case of chronic candida infection in a four-year-old boy who also was found to have elevated anti-gliadin antibodies. Treatment with anti-fungal patent medicines resulted in improvement in the candida infection, while at the same time the anti-gliadin antibodies declined. Although not a controlled study or even close, this case supports the findings of the research reported in 2003.
In addition to improved diagnostic techniques finding more and more individuals with gluten sensitivity (read more about that on page XX), it appears very likely that the use and overuse of antibiotics leading to many more candida infecti** has in turn resulted in many more cases of gluten sensitivity also.
A simple solution to an "incurable" disease
In 1989, my wife Holly and I visited the office of Dr. Christopher Reading in Dee Why, a suburb of Sydney, Australia. He showed us documentation of over 500 individuals who came to see him with a diagnosis of lupus, a usually-thought-to-be incurable auto-immune disease. With hard work on their own and with Dr. Reading's treatment, these individuals eliminated all signs and symptoms of lupus as well as the patent and formerly patent medicines used to treat it.
Mainstream medicine then and now knows of no cure for lupus, but usually tries to control the symptoms with powerful patent and formerly patent medicines, all too frequently including prednisone (a very powerful pseudo-steroid), and methotrexate (an immune-system-destroying, formerly patent medicine often used in cancer treatment). Often, the effects of the patent and formerly patent medicines are as bad as or worse than the damage caused by the lupus itself.
How did over 500 individuals eliminate all signs and symptoms of lupus – and all patent medicines given for it, too – over 20 years ago? Dr. Reading had them totally eliminate all gluten, all milk and dairy products, and often other foods to which they were found to be allergic.
The other major part of Dr. Reading's treatment included repeated massive (but safe) doses of vi**ins and minerals given intravenously.
Despite the success of these 500+ individuals entirely eliminating their lupus over 20 years ago, no researcher or group of researchers have reported any follow-up investigation of Dr. Reading's pioneering work.
i Sapone A, Lammers K, et al. Divergence of gut permeability and mucosal gene expression in two gluten-associated conditi**: celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. BMC Medicine 2011;9:23
ii Nieuwenhuizen WF, Pieters RH, Knippels LM, Jansen MC, Koppelman SJ Is Candida albicans a trigger in the **et of coeliac disease? Lancet. 2003 Jun 21;361(9375):2152-4.
Since 1994, Dr. Wright has published the latest natural healing discoveries in his Nutrition & Healing newsletter. He is Medical Director of Tahoma Clinic in Renton, Washington as well as being a well-known researcher, author, and speaker on natural approaches to disease and wellness.