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发表于 2014-7-10 00:43:42
布布兔 发表于 2014-7-9 21:19
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輸入vitix 關鍵字在PubMed可找到4篇相關文獻
Treatment of vitiligo with narrow-band UVB and topical gel containing catalase and superoxide dismutase.Acta Dermatovenerol Croat. 2007;15(1):10-4. PMID: 17433173 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
這個研究評估去白斑效果,只用在22個病人身上,而且是Vitix 和Narrow-band UVB( 早已證實有效) 同時併用,只有19位全程參與6個月,Vitix 每日3次,narrow-band UVB一個禮拜三次,由兩位皮膚科醫師評估,結果...
去斑範圍效果超過50%以上,19位中有11位 57.9%
去斑範圍效果26%-50%,19位中有6位 31.58%
去斑範圍效果1%-25%,19位中有1位 5.26%
去斑範圍效果0%(完全無效),19位中有1位 5.26%
這樣的研究報告參與人數過少,況且是與早已證實有效的窄頻短波紫外線(narrow band UVB) 合併治療,單獨使用Vitix 是否有效過就很難說了
Further evaluation of this combination in multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies should be undertaken
Narrow-band UVB has been reported to be efficacious in patients with vitiligo. The epidermis of patients with vitiligo showed reduction in the levels of catalase, in association with high levels of hydrogen peroxidase (H2O2) that is toxic for melanocytes. Based on these findings, we studied the efficacy and safety of a topical gel containing catalase and superoxide dismutase (Vitix) in combination with narrow-band UVB. The study included 22 patients of which 19 completed the 6-month study period. Patients applied the gel containing catalase and superoxide dismutase twice a day and received narrow-band UVB 3 times per week. Two different dermatologists evaluated the grade of repigmentation by photograph comparison. At the end of therapy, more than 50% of overall repigmentation was noticed in 11 of 19 (57.9%) patients. More than 75% repigmentation was recorded in three (15.79%), 26%-50% repigmentation in six (31.58%) patients and 1%-25% repigmentation in one (5.26%) patient, whereas one (5.26%) of 19 patients showed no repigmentation at all. The best resp**e was achieved on the face and neck, with more than 50% repigmentation observed in 11 of 14 (78.6%) patients. Development of new lesi** was not observed. Adverse events were mild and transient. The study showed that the combination therapy of narrow-band UVB and gel containing catalase and dismutase is a therapeutic option that could be c**idered in the management of vitiligo. Further evaluation of this combination in multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies should be undertaken.
Vitix--a new treatment for vitiligo?Int J Dermatol. 2005 Nov;44(11):969-70. No abstract available. PMID: 16336538 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
there was no significant improvement in facial vitiligo after 4 months of treatment.
[Antioxidants in vitiligo treatment]Georgian Med News. 2006 May;(134):80-3. Russian. PMID: 16783073 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
the preparation vitix (containing antioxidants, superoxide dismutaze and catalase) for treatment of vitiligo is important. 25 patients (5-63 years old) with different clinical forms of vitiligo with duration of 1-5 years were included in the study. The drug was prescribed in tablet form for using 1 times a day irrespective of ingestion and 2-times a day for local application on affected sites. Homogeneous repigmentation of affected areas, without sharp contrast between affected, newly pigmented and normal skin areas were observed. Absence of side effects and good tolerance allow us to recommend Vitix for the treatment of vitiligo.
[Cuprum sulfate and vitix in the treatment of vitiligo in children]Georgian Med News. 2005 Apr;(121):48-51. Russian. PMID: 15908724 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Taking into account above-mentioned the aim of this study was the analysis of effectiveness of complex treatment with cuprum sulfate and Vitix in infants with vitiligo. Under medical supervision there were 27 children 7-17 years old with vitiligo (15 boys and 12 girls). Duration of illness varied from 1 month to 11 years, area of lesion - from 1 to 40%. Foci of vitiligo had different shapes and dimensi** of depigmentation. Preparation Vitix was applied directly to the lesi** and surrounded affected area. Duration of the treatment was 6 months. Restoration of pigmentation was observed by the following patterns: diffuse in 9, follicular in 5 and peripheral in 3 cases. Improvement of clinical condition was observed in 56% of patients. Erythema with mild itching and erythema with peeling were observed as the side effects. Due to the ability to re-establish the free radicals physiological equilibrium in epidermal cells (melanocytes and keratinocytes) vitix shows principally new impact on skin with depigmentation. The effect of this preparation is based on melon's extract rich in antioxidants (catalases and superoxide dismutase). |