发表于 2014-7-20 10:06:01
The Supplements That Worked For Me
Nutritional supplement details
In order of perceived effectiveness...
1. Boost
The capsules which, together with regular UV exposure, appear to be mainly resp**ible for my re-pigmentation are called Boost and are marketed (as a natural supplement designed to help those with normal skin to achieve a richer tan more easily when exposed to the sun) by a British manufacturer of natural health, beauty and sports nutrition products called xenca. The ingredients of this supplement, as listed on the bottle can be found below. Amounts shown are per serving (2 servings are recommended per day for 2 days prior to sun/UV exposure and thereafter until 2 days after exposure - but obviously I took them on an ongoing basis). One jar lasts a month.
•L-Tyrosine 500mg
• ABA 300mg
•Copper (as sulphate) 1mg
•Vi**in B1 (as Thiamine HCI) 5mg
•Vi**in B2 (Riboflavin) 5mg
•Vi**in B3 (Nicotinamide) 10mg
• antothenic Acid (as Calcium Pantothenate) 10mg
•Vi**in B6 (Pyroxidine HCI) 10mg
•Folic Acid 200mcg
•Vi**in B12 12.5mcg
•Vi**in C (Asorbic Acid) 100mg
•Vi**in D3 (Cholecalciferol) 2.5mcg
•Vi**in E 100mg
•Zinc (as Gluconate) 1.25mg
•Choline Bitartrate 30mg
•(Other ingredients: magnesium stereate, gelatin)
If you are going to give them a go, my advice would be to take them for several weeks before necessarily expecting to see visible results, although using a Woods light might show early results sooner than that. My vitiligo was very extensive and long term. I imagine the smaller and newer your lesi**, the faster you might expect to see results.
2. Five a Day +
Five a Day + (the blend of "superfoods" referred to on the My Treatments page of this site). Containing 21 nutrient-dense foods that are rich in natural enzymes, minerals, amino acids, vi**in and antioxidants, its ingredients are:
Five A Day+ Superfood : The 21 Ingredients
Alfalfa is rich in minerals and vi**ins and contains organic acids, free amino acids, non-protein amino acids (such as canavinine), strachydrine, coumarins, isoflavonoids, saponins and natural steroids such as b-sitosterol, campesterol, stigamsterol and others. It contains vi**ins A, D, E and K as well as chlorophyll, carotene and minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.
People using antibiotics such as amoxicillin, gen**icin, streptomycin and tetracycline could possibly benefit from this, as it helps to restore the level of vi**in K which is depleted when using these antibiotics, as well as cholesterol-lowering drugs, steroids and anti-seizure medication. (http://www.ageless.co.za/herb-alfalfa.htm)
Apple Pectin Fibre
An indigestible, soluble fibre, apple pectin is a general intestinal regulator that is used in many medicinal preparati**, especially as an anti-diarrhoea agent. Our ancestors believed the old proverb: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Apples are rich in pectin, a soluble fibre, which supports healthy cholesterol levels.
Researchers at the University of California found that apple pectin also acts as an antioxidant against the damaging portion of cholesterol in the blood stream.
Apple pectin may help to maintain intestinal balance by cleansing the intestinal tract with its soluble and insoluble fibres. (http://www.nutrasanus.com/apple-pectin.html)
Barley Grass Juice
Barley grass juice is a highly rejuvenating food for health. It is c**idered to be a powerful superfood and is often recommended in the fight against different cancers. It also builds blood cell count and energy, detoxifies blood, improves asthma and is taken as an aphrodisiac. (http://www.healthbanquet.com/bar ... e.html#.UECld6OKA_c)
Beetroot Juice Powder
Raw beets are high in carbohydrates and low in fat. They contain phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium, as well as fibre, vi**ins A and C, niacin,
folic acid and biotin. Nutrients derived from natural sources are c**idered to be "better" than those found in supplements, as they are found in an organic form. Hence, the iron in beet juice is particularly noted for being much more easily assimilated than manufactured forms of iron. (http://allonhealth.com/health-products/redibeets.htm)
Brown Rice Kernel Membrane Powder
This type of rice is much more useful for health than the traditional white rice, since the largest share of nutrients is contained in the grain membrane. Brown rice is recommended by health care professionals and nutritionists as the basis for a healthy diet.
This is an excellent source of fibre and vi**in B complex. It is believed to aid digestion and there are studies working on its anti-cancer properties.
Chlorella is a single-celled, water-grown micro-algae. It is widely known as a powerful superfood supplement with extraordinary nutrient density and is well established in ancient culture. One of the few edible species of water-grown algae, chlorella is full of chlorophyll. It contains all of the B vi**ins, vi**in C, vi**in E, beta-carotene, amino acids, magnesium, iron, trace minerals, carbohydrates and a higher amount of protein than meat (more than 50%). It also has a unique set of phytonutrients. It binds to toxins and carries them out of the body. Its high amount of protein makes it a staple supplement for many people, including those who do not eat meat. (http://www.naturalnews.com/036086_chlorella_superfood_algae.html)
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a substance that is found naturally in the body and helps convert food into energy. CoQ10 is found in almost every cell in the body and is a powerful antioxidant.
Antioxidants fight damaging particles in the body known as free radicals, which damage cell membranes, **per with DNA and even cause 'cell death'. Scientists believe free radicals contribute to the ageing process, as well as a number of health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Antioxidants, such as CoQ10, can
neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.
Some researchers believe that CoQ10 may help with heart-related conditi** because it can improve energy production in cells, prevent blood clot formation and act as an antioxidant. (http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articl ... 5.htm#ixzz258CowafH)
Fucoxanthin is a type of carotenoid found naturally in edible brown seaweed such as wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) and hijiki (Hijikia fusiformis), which are used widely in Asian cuisine (wakame is the seaweed used in miso soup). Fucoxanthin also occurs naturally in much smaller amounts in both red seaweed (the kind typically used in Japanese sushi rolls) and green seaweed. (http://altmedicine.about.com/od/ ... e/a/fucoxanthin.htm)
Icelandic Kelp
Kelp has been extensively used as a treatment for the thyroid, due to its high iodine content. It is an excellent source of dietary iodine; hence it is also used in treating radiation exposure to heavy metals, heart disease and in the prevention of infecti**.
In addition to iodine, kelp contains minerals including calcium, iron and potassium, and vi**ins B1, B2 and B12. The use of kelp to treat thyroid problems has been largely superseded by synthetic medicati**, although it is still c**idered an effective way to incorporate iodine into the diet. (http://www.livestrong.com/articl ... fits/#ixzz258G1eueR)
Ionic Trace Minerals
Many of the trace elements once abundant in our soils have been over-farmed and washed away into water courses. Not surprisingly, in the oceans ionic trace minerals are found in their proper proporti**, the same basic proporti** that are found in healthy human bodies.
The human body relies on ionic minerals and trace minerals to conduct and generate billi** of tiny electrical impulses. Without these impulses not a single muscle, including your heart, would be able to function. The brain would not function and the
body's cells would not be able to use osmosis to balance water pressure and to absorb nutrients. (http://www.traceminerals.com/tra ... need-ionic-minerals)
Jerusalem Artichoke Powder
The Jerusalem Artichoke is high in two essential minerals: potassium and magnesium. Potassium is a mineral that enables the heart to beat properly, acting to keep blood pressure in the healthy range and enabling muscles to contract, allowing physical mobility. Magnesium is also important for heart health and contributes to the proper function of the muscular system. (http://www.livestrong.com/articl ... rusalem-artichokes/)
Kamut Juice
Kamut juice provides a supply of enzymes and chlorophyll (probably the most important elements to life on Earth and very much lacking in most diets), along with vi**ins, minerals and proteins, as a strong 'alkaline' food which assists the body's essential life-regulating pH balance. It is thought that kamut juice stimulates the body's natural cleansing and detoxifying processes on a cellular level, providing significant protection against cancerous threats and disease. (http://www.websites-host.com/wheat.html)
Lactobacillus Acidophilus & Bifidus
Lactobacillus acidophilus is the most commonly used probiotic, or ‘friendly’ bacteria. Many healthy bacteria live internally in the human body, such as the intestines where they protect against so called ‘bad’ bacteria that can lead to disease. They do this in a couple of ways: for example, when L. acidophilus breaks down food in the intestine several substances are formed (such as lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide) that create an unfriendly environment for bad bacteria. Probiotics are often suggested as a supplement when you take antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria but don't discriminate between ‘friendly’ and ‘unfriendly’ organisms so the balance between good and bad bacteria in the intestines can be upset. It is thought that taking probiotics helps restore the healthy balance of bacteria in the body. (http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articl ... 0.htm#ixzz258OHK1NH)
Lactobacillus Bifidus is a type of ‘friendly’ bacteria that helps maintain healthy bacteria in the large intestine, increases the acidity of the region it inhabits and makes the area inhospitable to dangerous bacteria. It prevents harmful bacteria from converting compounds known as nitrates (ingested in food or water) into nitrites, which are known to lead to cancer. Substances that destroy ‘friendly’ bacteria like Lactobacillus Bifidus are, sadly, over-the-counter drugs, birth control pills, chlorine and fluoride in tap water, environmental pollutants, mental & physical stress, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, tobacco, alcohol and simply getting older. (http://anrvi**ins.com/glossary/lactob.html)
Lecithin is an important phospholipid needed by all living cells. It is produced within our own bodies and can be found in the major organs: the heart, the liver and the kidneys. Lecithin aids in maintaining our overall health and is utilised by every cell in our bodies. Although it is produced within our own bodies, we do not always c**ume enough of the foods that provide the nutrition needed to produce adequate amounts. Lecithin can be found in many foods, such as cabbage, cauliflower, garbanzo beans, soy beans, split peas, organic meat, seeds, nuts and eggs. Today's average diet, however, does not provide enough lecithin to successfully protect cells and allow lecithin to produce its benefits. As a result, lecithin supplementation is believed to be necessary for overall health and prevention of many conditi** and potential diseases. Of its many benefits, lecithin has been proven to decrease cholesterol, promote cardiovascular health, restore damaged livers and improve the brain's memory function. (http://www.essortment.com/benefits-risks-lecithin-48939.html)
Nova Scotia Dulse
Edible seaweed like dulse, kelp and others gained attention from researchers in the 1990s when it was discovered that many Asian populati**, that were notable for long lifespans and lack of chronic diseases, used sea vegetables more frequently in their diet than did westerners. Overall, dulse and other sea vegetables are notable for their high mineral and protein content, particularly iron and potassium.
Dulse has an unusually high concentration of different minerals. Minerals with the highest concentrati** are copper, zinc, potassium, calcium and magnesium. One study found that dulse had potassium concentrati** 34 times higher than a banana.
Fatty Acid Content: For a vegetable, dulse has an unusually large amount of poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Furthermore, it has an unusually high concentration of EPA and DHA, which are omega-3 fatty acids most commonly found in fish.
These properties have caused Nova Scotia Dulse and other seaweeds to be studied closely by cancer researchers and edible seaweed is increasingly being used as a ‘Functional Food’ in anti-carcinogenic products. (http://blog.healthkismet.com/nov ... enefits-facts-and-m)
Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is a very rich source of proteins and contains eight essential amino acids, important fatty acids, sugars, sterols and phosphorous compounds, as well as acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell. Too little of this compound makes individuals prone to diseases like Alzheimer's. It contains gamma globulin, known to stimulate the immune system and fight off infecti**. Royal jelly contains vi**ins A, B-complex, C, D and E. It is particularly useful for its B-complex contents, including B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, folic acid and inositol. Royal jelly is high in the B vi**in pantothenic acid, recognized for its ability to reduce stress levels. It also supplies the minerals calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, potassium, silicon and sulphur. (http://www.pureroyaljelly.com/info.HTM)
One of the” kings of the superfoods” and with over 100 nutrients, spirulina, a blue-green algae, is frequently described as the most complete food source in the world, bringing a diverse coverage of health benefits. Briefly, it supplies:
· Proteins: protein content is between 55 and 70% of the cell weight.
· Vi**ins: B1 (Thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), C, D and E.
· Minerals: Potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium and zinc.
· Essential fatty acids like DHA.
· Photosynthetic pigments: chlorophyll, beta-carotene (64 to 70 times more than spinach).
Spirulina protein contains all essential amino acids, compared to the proteins of meat, milk or eggs and vegetarians can use this supplement for adding additional quality protein to their diet. (http://healthbenefitsofspirulina.com/)
Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) with Catalase
This antioxidant can neutralize most common free radicals. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme that revitalizes cells and reduces the rate of cell destruction. SOD is often thought of as the body's first line of defence. It neutralizes the most common free radical – superoxide radical, by converting it into hydrogen peroxide and water. Because it rejuvenates cells and tissues that have become hardened or fibrotic from age, people who suffer from disease or injury may benefit from SOD. (http://www.appliedhealthstore.co ... mutase-375-mcg.aspx)
Catalase is a common enzyme found in nearly all living organisms exposed to oxygen. It catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. It is a very important enzyme in reproductive reacti**. Likewise, catalase has one of the highest turnover numbers of all enzymes; one catalase molecule can convert milli** of molecules of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen per second. (http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/family/PF00199)
Wheatgrass Juice
Wheatgrass juice is one of nature's true superfoods; in fact it is a complete food capable of sustaining human life in the absence of other nourishment for long periods. Wheatgrass juice is extracted from the young sprouts of wheat berries or grains. It has optimal nutritional value if juiced when the shoot of the plant is about to make its first stem division.
Wheatgrass juice contains complete protein; it is suitable for those who require a gluten-free diet because gluten, the protein element in the grain, is converted to amino acids during sprouting. Amino acids are the building blocks of the proteins our bodies use. Wheatgrass juice is a very good provider of the proteins required for cell regeneration and is renowned for its healing properties. (http://www.ukjuicers.com/articles/benefits-of-wheatgrass-juice-a3)
Note: Please see video page for a YouTube video giving more detail about this supplement:
3. Bronze
Bronze is the product I discontinued once I started receiving UVB treatment. It contains 5 natural carotenoids along with essential amino acids and the important skin nutrient vi**in E for a natural light tan and extra antioxidant protection. Bronze is designed to work with or without sun exposure. My understanding of this product is that it does not stimulate pigment production but has a purely cosmetic effect - almost like a dye - which creates the appearance of a very light tan. This may be an effective alternative to self tan creams and sprays for those with fair skins, as it does seem to reduce the contrast between the vitiligo patches and the surrounding skin colour.
4. Collagen Hydrolysate
I must point out that I also take the collagen supplements (containing pure type I and type III collagen hydrolysate) - available from the same site. I have no particular reason to think that they are contributing to the re-pigmentation but I have certainly noticed a reduction in lines and a firmer skin texture since using them. There is always a possibility that results could be due to a combination of products. But my educated guess is that - whilst Bronze and collagen have both been generally beneficial to my health - it is the Boost capsules and Five a Day+ (plus UV exposure) that are resp**ible for my recovery.
Please let me know how you get on...
If you do try the same nutritional supplements as me, please contact me and let me know how you get on. It would be good to build up a picture of results to see how many other vitiligo sufferers achieve the same success.
Vitiligo Protocol: personal story - a personal " cure " 这为我工作的补充
其中,定期紫外线照射在一起,似乎是主要负责我重新色素胶囊被称为升压并销售(作为一种天然的补充,旨在帮助那些有正常的皮肤更容易实现更丰富的棕褐色,当暴露在阳光下)由天然保健,美容及运动营养产品制造商英叫xenca。这个补充的成分,瓶子上列出可以在下面找到。显示金额为每份(2份是每天建议2天前阳光/紫外线照射和后直至暴露后2天 - 但很明显,我把他们按持续基准)。一个坛子持续一个月。
•维生素B6(Pyroxidine HCI)10毫克
每天五+(以下简称本网站的我的处理页上的“超级食品”的混合)。 21含营养丰富的食物,含有丰富的天然酵素,矿物质,氨基酸,维生素和抗氧化剂,它的成分有:
使用抗生素如羟氨苄青霉素,庆大霉素,链霉素和四环素人们可以从这个可能受益,因为它有助于恢复其使用这些抗生素,以及降胆固醇药,类固醇和抗惊厥药物时耗尽维生素K的水平。 (http://www.ageless.co.za/herb-alfalfa.htm)
苹果的果胶可以帮助通过清洁肠道,其可溶性和不可溶性纤维,以保持肠道平衡。 (http://www.nutrasanus.com/apple-pectin.html)
大麦草汁是一个高度活力的食品对身体有益。它被认为是一个功能强大的超级食品,并经常被推荐的针对不同癌症的斗争。它还建立血细胞计数和能源,排毒养颜补血,改善哮喘和被作为一种壮阳药。 (http://www.healthbanquet.com/barley-grass-green-juice.html#。UECld6OKA_c)
叶酸和生物素。从天然来源的营养物质被认为是比补充剂找到“更好”,因为他们发现在有机形式。因此,在甜菜汁铁特别注意到就比生产形式的铁更容易吸收。 (http://allonhealth.com/health-products/redibeets.htm)
绿藻是一种单细胞,水生长的微藻。它被广泛地称为一个强大的超级食品补充剂具有非凡的营养密度,是公认的古代文化。一水藻类生长的少量食用品种,小球藻是充满叶绿素的。它包含了所有的B族维生素,维生素C,维生素E,β-胡萝卜素,氨基酸,镁,铁,微量元素,碳水化合物和比肉类高量的蛋白质(50%以上)。它也有一个独特的植物营养素。它结合毒素和执行它们带出体外。其高量的蛋白质使得它的主食补充很多人,包括那些谁不吃肉。 (http://www.naturalnews.com/036086_chlorella_superfood_algae.html)
一些研究人员认为,辅酶Q10可以帮助心脏有关的条件,因为它可以提高能源生产细胞,防止血液凝块的形成,并作为一种抗氧化剂。 (http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/coenzyme-q10-000295.htm#ixzz258CowafH)
岩藻黄质是在食用海带等裙带菜(裙带菜)和羊栖菜(Hijikia羊栖菜),广泛应用于亚洲美食(裙带菜是酱汤所用的海藻)自然发现一种类胡萝卜素。岩藻黄质也天然存在于更小的金额在两个红海藻(通常用在日本寿司卷的那种)和绿色海藻。 (http://altmedicine.about.com/od/ ... e/a/fucoxanthin.htm)
除了碘,海带中含有的矿物质包括钙,铁,钾,维生素B1,B2和B12。利用海带治疗甲状腺的问题已经由合成药物在很大程度上取代,但它仍然被认为是把碘进饮食的有效方法。 (http://www.livestrong.com/article/96524-kelp-benefits/#ixzz258G1eueR)
人体的细胞将无法使用反渗透平衡水压力和吸收营养。 (http://www.traceminerals.com/tra ... need-ionic-minerals)
菊芋高两种人体必需的矿物质:钾和镁。钾是一种矿物质,使心脏正常跳动,采取行动,保持血压在健康的范围内,使肌肉收缩,使身体移动。镁也是对心脏健康的重要,并有助于肌肉系统的正常功能。 (http://www.livestrong.com/articl ... rusalem-artichokes/)
卡姆小麦汁提供酶和叶绿素的供应(可能是最重要的元素,地球上的生命和非常缺乏,在大多数的饮食),再加上维生素,矿物质和蛋白质,作为一个强大的“碱性”的食物有助于人体的必需生活调节酸碱平衡。据认为,卡姆小麦汁能刺激人体的自然净化和解毒过程在细胞水平上,提供针对癌性威胁和疾病显著的保护。 (http://www.websites-host.com/wheat.html)
嗜酸乳杆菌是最常用的益生菌,或“友好”细菌。许多健康的细菌内住在人体内,比如他们对所谓的“坏”的细菌,可以导致疾病保护肠道。他们这样做是在一对夫妇的方式:例如,当嗜酸乳杆菌在肠道中几种物质分解食物形成(如乳酸和过氧化氢),创造的坏细菌不友善的环境。当你服用抗生素益生菌通常建议作为补充。抗生素杀死细菌,但不“友好”和“不友好”的生物体区别对待,以便在肠内好和坏细菌之间的平衡被打破。据认为,服用益生菌有助于恢复细菌在体内的健康平衡。 (http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articl ... dophilus-000310.htm#ixzz258OHK1NH)
双歧杆菌是一种类型的“友好”细菌,有助于大肠保持健康的细菌,会增加其居住区域的酸度,使得该地区荒凉危险的细菌。它可以防止有害细菌从变换称为硝酸盐(摄入的食物或水)成亚硝酸盐,这是已知的导致癌症的化合物。即摧毁“友好”细菌像双歧杆菌物质,可悲的是,过度的非处方药,避孕药,氯和氟的自来水,环境污染物,精神和生理上的压力,化疗和放射治疗,烟草,酒精和简单年纪越来越大。 (http://anrvi**ins.com/glossary/lactob.html)
卵磷脂是需要的所有活细胞的重要磷脂。它产生我们自己的身体内,并可以在各大机关发现:心脏,肝脏和肾脏。卵磷脂有助于保持我们的整体健康,并通过在我们的身体的每一个细胞利用。虽然这是我们自己的身体内产生,我们并不总是摄取足够提供生产所需的足量的营养食品。卵磷脂可以在许多的食物,如卷心菜,菜花,鹰嘴豆,黄豆,豌豆,有机肉类,种子,坚果和鸡蛋被发现。今天的平均饮食,但是,没有提供足够的卵磷脂,成功地保护细胞,并允许卵磷脂以产生它的好处。作为一个结果,卵磷脂补充被认为是必需的许多条件和潜在的疾病的整体健康和预防。它的许多好处,卵磷脂已被证实降低胆固醇,促进心血管健康,恢复受损的肝脏,提高大脑的记忆功能。 (http://www.essortment.com/benefits-risks-lecithin-48939.html)
这些属性造成新斯科舍省掌状红皮藻富含及其他海藻进行密切的癌症研究人员和紫菜越来越多地被用作抗癌产品“功能食品”的研究。 (http://blog.healthkismet.com/nov ... enefits-facts-and-m)
蜂王浆是一种蛋白质非常丰富的来源,包含8种人体必需的氨基酸,重要的脂肪酸,糖类,甾醇,磷化合物,以及乙酰胆碱。乙酰胆碱是需要的神经传递信息从细胞到细胞。太少这种化合物使个人容易产生如阿尔茨海默病。它含有丙种球蛋白,可以刺激免疫系统,对抗感染。蜂王浆含有维生素A,B群,C,D和E这是它的B-络合物的内容,包括B1,B2,B6,B12,生物素,叶酸和肌醇特别有用。蜂王浆是高的B族维生素泛酸,公认的降低压力水平的能力。它也提供了矿物质钙,铜,铁,磷,钾,硅和硫。 (http://www.pureroyaljelly.com/info.HTM)
·维生素:B1(硫胺素),B2(核黄素),B 3(烟酰胺),维生素B6(吡哆醇),B9(叶酸),C,D和E。
螺旋藻蛋白质中含有全部必需氨基酸,相比肉类,牛奶或鸡蛋和素食者的蛋白质可以使用这个补充增加额外的优质蛋白,以他们的饮食。 (http://healthbenefitsofspirulina.com/)
这种抗氧化剂可以中最常见的自由基。超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)是活化细胞,降低细胞破坏的速率的酶。超氧化物歧化酶通常被认为是作为防御的身体的第一道防线。它中最常见的自由基 - 超氧阴离子自由基,通过将其转化为过氧化氢和水。因为它的细胞恢复活力,并已成为硬化或纤维化的年龄组织,人谁从疾病或受伤可能会受益于超氧化物歧化酶。 (http://www.appliedhealthstore.co ... mutase-375-mcg.aspx)
过氧化氢酶是在暴露于氧气中几乎所有的生物体中常见的酶。它可催化过氧化成水和氧氢的分解。它是在生殖反应很重要的酶。同样,过氧化氢酶有所有酶的营业额最高的数字之一; 1过氧化氢酶的分子可以转换成数以百万计的过氧化氢分子的水和每秒氧气。 (http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/family/PF00199)
小麦草汁含有完全蛋白质;很适合那些谁需要一个无麸质饮食,因为面筋,中粮蛋白质元素,发芽过程中转化为氨基酸。氨基酸是我们的身体用蛋白质的基石。小麦草汁是必需的细胞再生的蛋白质的一个很好的供应商,是著名的治疗作用。 (http://www.ukjuicers.com/articles/benefits-of-wheatgrass-juice-a3)
青铜是我停药,一旦我开始接受UVB治疗的产品。它包含5个天然类胡萝卜素以及人体必需的氨基酸和重要的营养皮肤维生素E的天然浅黄褐色和额外的抗氧化保护。青铜是设计有或没有阳光照射的工作。我这个产品的理解是,它不刺激色素生成,但有一个纯粹的美容效果 - 几乎像一个染料 - 它创建一个非常浅棕色的外观。这可能是一种有效的替代自晒黑霜和喷剂对于那些白皙的皮肤,因为它似乎减少白癜风的补丁和周围皮肤的颜色之间的对比度。
我必须指出,我也拿胶原蛋白补充剂(含纯I型和III型胶原蛋白水解物) - 可从同一网站。我不得不认为他们有助于重新色素沉着没有特别的原因,但因为使用他们,我肯定注意到了减少线条和紧致的肌肤质感。总有一种可能性,即结果可能是由于产品的组合。但我的猜测是, - 虽然铜奖及胶原蛋白均出现了对我的健康有益一般 - 这是升压胶囊和每天五+(加紫外线照射)是负责我的康复。
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