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308 nm准分子激光与308 nm准分子光治疗白癜风的对照研究
目的 对比308 nm准分子激光与308 nm准分子光治疗白癜风临床效果的差异及安全性. 方法 选择寻常型白癜风62例共260处皮损,随机将皮损分为两组,同一患者均同时使用两种方法治疗不同皮损,左侧为308 nm准分子激光治疗侧(准分子激光组),右侧为308 nm准分子光治疗组(准分子光组).治疗每周2次,共计30次. 结果 治疗总有效率、显效率准分子激光组分别为96.1%、32.3%,准分子光组分别为93.2%、28.8%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组面颈部的疗效均优于其他部位,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);躯干优于四肢、肢端,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);四肢优于肢端,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 308 nm准分子激光与308 nm准分子光在治疗白癜风的效果及安全性方面并无显著差异,二者均安全有效,但前者可减少皮损周围组织的损伤. 基金项目: 辽宁省自然科学基金资助项目 原文下载 https://love.bbsls.net/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MjAyMzcyfGIyYjY3YTVhNDg5MTRkMzdkZmYyMGY3ODhmNTcwODlmfDE3MzY1MDQxODc%3D&request=yes&_f=.pdf
308-nm excimer lamp vs. 308-nm excimer laser for treating vitiligo: a randomized study. |
| MedLine Citation:
| PMID: 20346025 Owner: NLM Status: MEDLINE | Abstract/OtherAbstract:
| BACKGROUND: The 308-nm excimer laser and 308-nm excimer lamp have both been shown to be effective in treating vitiligo but a direct comparison has never been performed.
OBJECTIVES: To test the equivalence of these two devices for treating n**egmental vitiligo.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: A randomized monocentric study was undertaken. One lesion was treated with the 308-nm excimer laser and its counterpart with the 308-nm excimer lamp. Lesi** were treated twice weekly with the same dose on both sides for a total of 24 sessi**. The evaluation was done by two independent physicians blinded to the treatment on direct light and ultraviolet light photos.
RESULTS: Twenty patients were included: 17 completed the study and 104 lesi** were treated. The two treatments showed similar results in terms of efficacy for a repigmentation of at least 50% (P = 0.006). The lamp induced more erythema than the laser.
CONCLUSI**: The 308-nm excimer lamp and laser showed a similar efficacy in treating vitiligo. For the same fluence, the lamp induced more erythema suggesting photobiological differences between the two devices. | Authors:
| F Le Duff; E Fontas; D Giacchero; L Sillard; J-P Lacour; J-P Ortonne; T Passeron
| 原文下载https://love.bbsls.net/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MjAyMzczfDA2ZTgyMjgxOTNiZTZmNzg3NGVjM2UyMzM5MjgwYTJhfDE3MzY1MDQxODc%3D&request=yes&_f=.pdf