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In a normal, healthy digestive system food is thoroughly broken down into amino acids, essential fatty acids, glycerol and simple sugars. Any undigested food stays in the gut until eliminated in the normal way and the small digested molecules pass through the gut wall into the blood stream and on to the liver where they are dealt with.
In someone with leaky gut syndrome, however, food particles get absorbed before they have been properly digested. This means larger food molecules get into the blood stream. These large molecules are noticed by the immune system as being "foreign" and are likely to be mistaken for viruses or bacteria. When this happens the immune system may launch an immune resp**e against these harmless molecules, causing inflammation which can then lead to a whole host of diseases and a bewildering array of symptoms. It can cause chronic allergy and lead to a range of auto-immune conditi** (including vitiligo, bowel diseases, arthritis, skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis, food allergies, IBS, chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis, pancreatitis, and more).
To help to heal a leaky gut, the following steps are all common recommendati**:
take a teaspoon of l-glu**ine mixed with water first thing in the morning before breakfast - this provides a kind of "sealant" the stomach, helping to stem the leak of undigested food molecules (you can buy this from most health food stores but I get mine from the same site as the other supplements for the sake of convenience);
identify any food sensitivities and eliminate those foods from your diet (gluten, dairy and yeast are common culprits);
take a high-quality probiotic (I like this one);
take digestive enzymes to help you break down your food properly (this one is good);
eat little and often (this helps avoid putting your digestive system under too much strain).