发表于 2006-8-11 20:25:18
<p>He has also started using elidel cream ( BEEN A MONTH )once a day in the morning after a bath ( it seems to work better if u use the cream and even novitil after u shower or wash the area well with warm water as it opens up pores and allows better absorption into the skin)and washes it off after about 6-8 hrs before putting the novitil and sunning. <br/>同时他使用elidel霜, 一个月前开始用. 每天早晨洗澡后涂, 6-8小时后洗去, 再涂Novitil和晒太阳.(看起来洗澡后或温水清洗患处后涂药效果较好, 可能是毛孔张开, 有利吸收)<br/>When we started the sunning it was with five minutes at a time increasing it to 30 mins by the 5th day . The spots turn a pink to deep pink after the sunning . You must leave the novitil on for two hours after the sunning . This really shows better results , the next day the freckels seem darker and new ones appear . <br/>我们开始的时候每次日晒5分钟, 第五天增加到每次30分. bb从粉色变成更深的粉色. 日晒后2小时内不要把Novitil去掉. 这钟做法看起来很好, 第二天色素岛会变深, 并有新色素斑出现.<br/>I must also stress that we are having <br/>green tea everyday <br/>强调一下, 我们每天饮用绿茶<br/>with a vitamin B complex and <br/>还有一种复方维B<br/>two teaspoons of honey+ nigella satival seeds also called black cumin or Kalonji in India , pakistan and arabia or black seeds, have only 5-7 seeds a day not more . They are small the excat size and shape of sesame seeds but jet black and hard . <br/>以及2汤匙蜂蜜, 还有一种叫什么黑色孜然的东西, 跟芝麻差不多外观, 但更硬.<br/>2 tsp of ghee that is clarified butter you can add this to your food , fry yur eggs in it or something it tastes great in food do add it to the food its quite hard to just drink it . <br/>2汤匙酥油(也可加到食物中服用), 还是加到食物中吧, 不然太难喝下了<br/>+ 30 mins of cardio excersise 5 times a week . If u do decide to excercise , excercise in a way that ur body does not get more stressed , that is low intesity workout dont over excert yourself . <br/>每周5次每次30分打牌. 真的想锻炼的话, 不要让身体承受压力, 打牌是低强度的运动.<br/>Avoid all prepacked meals any presevatives , or hydrogenated oils or addititives , food colouring anything with artificial colour or flavouring . We also have fresh juices 3 times a week . Carrot and apple mix.<br/>避免食用快餐食品, 油炸食品及添加剂, 人工色素, 人工调味料. 我们每周3次胡萝卜苹果汤.<br/>Get atleast 8 hrs of sleep and Eat a full breakfast even if u do a light lunch and dinner do not skip breakfast. Also eat as much fruit and veg as possible avoid brinjal (egg plant) gauvava and lady fingers or<br/>( ocra) no tamrind and not too much lemo or lime in your food also avoid turmiric altogether .<br/>每天至少睡8小时, 早餐要吃. 多吃水果蔬菜, 别吃蛋黄.<br/>He eats meat and dairy but no to very little cheese ( he may have had it say 4 times in 3 months on pizza!!)but he has ghee i.e. clarrified butter everyday. <br/>He also has fruit yogart about 3 times a week in his musilli . <br/>他吃肉和奶, 但不吃奶酪. 每天食用酥油(精炼黄油). 每周练3次瑜伽.<br/>But i must tell you that he feels he should not give up foods that are difficult to avoid in your everyday life and more importantly that he enjoys eating , coz unless otherwise advised by your doctor if u give up milk and milk products entirely then over a prolonged period of time your body will have an intense adverse reaction to these foods coz you have avoided it so strongly so unless u are sure u never want to eat something dont give it up entirely just lessen the frequency to a minimum. <br/>还要强调, 不要随便忌食一种日常食物, 那样你的身体会产生说不清的反应, 如果不喜欢吃的话少吃就是了, 只要医生不叫忌食就不要忌食.<br/>THIS IS JUST SOMETHING THAT WORKS FOR HIM THERE IS NO MEDICAL EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THIS THOUGHT SO PLEASE FOLLOW A DIET THAT YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH AND SUITS YOU. <br/>这就是对他起效的东西:没有医学证据说明这一点--你得有一个合适自己的饮食体系.</p><p><br/>He is avoiding sea 他忌食了海产品.<br/>He does not eat white bread , but whole wheat everyday for breakfast . He eats a lot of rasins everyday about 2 tbsp - 4 tbsp and about 3-4 dates a day too. He has been following this diet for the past 3 months . Before this his vit was spreading very rapidly . But now there are no new spots and the old ones we are using novitil on are clearing up (slowly) .<br/>不吃白面包, 但每天早饭吃全麦面包. 每天吃些葡萄干. 已经这样饮食3个月了. 此前他bb发展迅速, 但饮食注意之后不再发展, 用药的地方开始好转(当然, 速度慢).<br/>So we are hopeful. <br/>所以我们是有希望的.<br/>lease let me tell you that u must get alot of restful sleep <br/>必须有充足有效的睡眠.<br/>eat well and excercise keep calm and dont get stressed physically or emotionally as far as u can help . <br/>吃好锻炼好, 心态平和, 不要有器械的或心理的压力.<br/>Coz as far as i can say for my husband it started after he had to have radio therapy, 24 sessions of it and then a tiny spot started and stayed that way for about 2 years , these two years he really took it easy ate well and exceised and basically relaxed , but then at around the end of last year we had a very hectic time he was working a lot not getting enough sleep and food was also not as healthy as it is now and suddenly the vit really flared up , everyday it was getting bigger and spreading . We changed our lifestyle drastically since and it seems to have helped and got it in control. <br/>我丈夫就是在放疗...高强度工作...睡眠不足...后发病的. 我们改变了生活方式生活节奏才控制住了病情.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>We are of indian origin , though he is very fair skinned he does not burn easily so please take it easy with your sunning regime until u can work out your own system so sunning without getting burnt , your skin should not blister or burn when u apply any cream to the areas. <br/>我们是印第安后裔, 他皮肤很白净, 日晒的时候也没特别容易晒伤. 所以大家可以放心尝试日晒, 直到找到自己的合适方式. 如果皮肤上涂有霜剂, 一般不会起泡或晒伤.<br/>The area affected by the Vit for my husband is on his adams apple on the neck and two big ones on his collar bone . <br/>我丈夫的bb在脖子上和锁骨上.<br/>I am very hopeful for my husband and hope for the best for everyone on this site , if there is anymore information that i can help u with i will.<br/>我对我丈夫和这个网页上所有人充满希望, 很愿意帮助大家.<br/>I dont have a digital camera yet but will have one by next week . I will post our progress here as soon as possible.<br/>我没有DC, 下周会搞到一个, 我会把过程拍下来.<br/>I hope all this information my help you'll .<br/>希望上面信息帮助大家.<br/></p> |